Cultivate Herologo

CULTivate is a 2-5 player, take-that, pattern-building game that's easy to learn, addictively replay-able, and fill with puns and charming art.

Think you have what it takes to achieve your nefarious dreams?

Cultivate Gamebox Mobilegraphic
Player Icon2x

2 - 5 Players

Ages Icon2x

Ages 14+

Time Icon2x

20 - 50 Mins

Vintagesparkle Graphkc

Plot Your Agenda.
Grow Your Following.
Reap The Rewards.

Play as a cult leader working to fill your compound with followers to help you carry out your agenda. But watch out! Rival cult leaders may try to sabotage you or convert the followers you can’t keep in line. You might also garner unwanted attention from pesky investigators who try to get in your way. Persuade the right followers, outwit your foes, and rise above the rest.

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Cultivate Gallery1

What’s In The Box?

Woodenmeeples Graphic
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Screen Printed Wooden Meeples

Compoundboards Graphic
5 Purple Graphic

Double-Sided Compound Boards

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5 Red Graphic

Character & Agenda Mats

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74 Graphic

Illustrated Playing Cards

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5 Green Graphic

Wooden Marker Cubes


How To Play


Investigator Video

Group Gameplay Preview

Game Reviews

Cultivate Image2 Hotspots
Hotspot Icon Pink

A 4x4 compound grid for housing your cult.  With the price of realestate these days...16 spaces is honestly incredible!

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Agenda mas with character bio and description on the back.  Pick 1 of 3 dastardly plans to attempt to complete before the end of the game.

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Illustrated playing cards with punny flavor text and printed on heavyweight paper. no corners cut here! Well... we rounded them but that's beside the point.

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A wooden cube for marking your chosen agenda.  That's it. Just a cube. Pretty neat!

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Colorful wooden meeples that look good enough to eat...but don't' do that. They're not for eating. They're for recruiting.

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Sturdy, hefty game box that won't fall apart after a couple of plays. Plus, built in storage for easy setup and tear down.


Rulebookpdf Graphic

Rulebook PDF

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CULTivate Demo on Tabletopia

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Printable Scorepad PDF